Friday, April 29, 2016

How To Cause A Natural Miscarriage

Want To Learn How To Cause A Natural Miscarriage? Start With Some Of These Remedies! 

There are many reasons why you would want to have a miscarriage. Maybe you just can not afford to have an abortion or maybe you just do not want to have a little one just yet. You want to know how to cause a natural miscarriage and lucky you. I know how you can do that and how you can start trying starting right now or today. You probably do not really know much about natural remedies and that is perfectly fine because that is where I come into play. I have all the secrets and answer that you are searching for. In my line of work I do this constantly and teach people about home remedies. So lets go ahead and get started before we all get too old I got all this info from this awesome site

1.Vitamin C And Orange Juice 

Ingesting large amounts of vitamin c while you are pregnant can work. Although this is not a proven method it has been shown to work in a few polls. There was a professional poll done a few years back that showed seventy four percent of women say that the vitamin c method actually works. You want to know how to cause a natural miscarriage? Well this might actually end up being the answer to your problem. You should ask your medical professional of course before doing anything but this will probably end up working from the stats! 


More and more people are looking at cinnamon as the solution to their pregnancy problems. Turns out that cinnamon actually can cause a natural miscarriage to happen. Who would have thought that something so delicious would cause such a thing to happen. Something I would not recommend you try is eating a lot of cinnamon at once. You should however sprinkle it all over your food as often as possible.This will highly increase your chances of having a natural abortion.

3. Working Out Hardcore

So far working out hardcore has proved to be a pretty decent natural miscarriage producer. If you want to learn how to cause a natural miscarriage this is another one of those that is a bit more difficult. Do a very intense and hardcore workout at least twice a day. Make sure that you are 3 weeks or less into your pregnancy otherwise you are going to harm yourself. Get it done as early into the pregnancy as you possibly can.  

That is pretty much all there is to it. If you have any other questions you can check out these other sits that I will post for you. If you liked the content please check out the rest of the page and follow us on twitter! Thanks for being here and being such an awesome person. 

Miscarriage Symptoms And Signs

Why Do People Get Miscarriage's

You are not really sure of why people actually get a miscarriage and that is pretty reasonable. Its not really a talked about subject because its something that make people very sad. Sometimes it just happens to people for no absolute reason and it makes people very unhappy. Some people actually force themselves to have a miscarriage and that is a frowned upon way of doing things. Abortions are also frowned upon but I believe that you should be able to do whatever you want with your body.  There are natural ways that you can force yourself to have a miscarriage and these are less frowned upon because they are much more natural. So here are the top reasons why people get a miscarriage.

1. Can't Afford An Abortion
For some people paying for an abortion is much too much money. I do not blame them because its very expensive. Its actually a very ridiculous amount of money and I could not see myself ever paying that much money for an abortion. Instead I would much rather out how to cause a natural miscarriage. Although it is much less effective its cheaper and that is why some people end up getting a miscarriage.

2.They do not want a child
For some other people they just would rather not hav ea child. And that is reasonable to some extent. Some people are just not ready to have a child and they would rather find a way to have a miscarriage. If they end up going this route they should weigh the pros and cons of having a child. Maybe you might change your mind halfway through it. There is a chance that you could still want to have a little one, Just put a little  bit more thought into it.

3.No Choice
Unfortunately there are people who actually want to have a baby and just have a miscarriage because they have no choice. Sometimes it just happens without any warning and you just happen to have a miscarriage. Its a very sad subject to talk about but it does actually happen a lot of the time. This is the main reason why people end up having a miscarriage.

Miscarriage Tips For You!


What a treat to have a couple of amazing people like you checking out my blog and enjoying what I have to say. I am seriously in love with writing and all of you are what gives me the strength to continue to do what I do. Many of you know me as the person who wrote a few books but a couple of you know me and my blogging career is really where I want to be.When I am blogging I feel like this is my passion and this is what I would like to do for the rest of me life. Enough talking about me this is the intro post and I want you guys to feel very welcome and I want you guys to really enjoy this blog and what It can offer you. If you want to know how to cause a natural miscarriage then you are right where you want to be. Because I am going to be talking a lot about miscarriage's and what they do and how you can get them to happen naturally. Hope you enjoy the blog and hope you have a good time!